Activating The Floating Window In Video Calls On Whatsapp

aplicacion whatsapp
WhatsApp called

It is amazing what this platform offers its users and not only mobile, but also its web version. And it is that WhatsApp is here to stay and transcend time because each update adds new features. As, which since its beta, already known, but it is now official and we will say here how to activate the floating window in video calls on WhatsApp.

How to activate the floating window in video calls WhatsApp

It is not enough to make video calls from this app on your smartphone, but you can now activate the pop-up window. Thus have an active video call in a small window at the same time. You can do other things on your mobile, and display photos, make adjustments, see your contact list, etc.

Another advantage of this window is emerging that you can click and drag, by placing it anywhere on your mobile screen. It is a great feature and this tutorial will teach you how to enable and use. And it will be as simple as delete WhatsApp after the time limit, Continue reading to learn new skills.

Enable floating window in video calls on WhatsApp

We doubt that the expectations generated platforms such as WhatsApp or Facebook on their new roles are very large. Something brings together millions of users worldwide and are without doubt the most popular and used at present. Get ready for a function that has already been tested and is now available.

 activate video call

This is a feature that few can now enjoy because of all it is very new and second is only available with     Oreo Android 8.0 . Since these devices have this version of the operating system. They may well use the image Image mode and apply video calls.

This mode sets the size of the screen where the video is played call, place where you want and then continue to use our mobile. Therefore the application of WhatsApp wanted to use this mode available in the new version of Android. To give a   Video calls this function popup.

Then how to activate the floating window in video calls on WhatsApp because it is really simple to do if your mobile phone has the image Image &NBSP mode. If that is the case, you can now use the application and you will realize that there will be very difficult for you to enable this feature.

Steps to   activate the floating window in video calls on WhatsApp

The first thing to do is enter the application WhatsApp, See your contacts and press make video call. Once communication is established and is active, you must click on the button back. This action will generate the contract to video call in a small floating window on screen.

And this window, you can click and drag the entire space of the smooth display and You can continue to talk with each other .

When performing other tasks on your phone and see your cat in the same application or another. Play videos, view photos, find what you want in other areas dl phone call and video continue.

video call window

There is an incredible role possible to Android devices with the new version of   Android Oreo. If you do not have it, you should wait until the upgrade of the operating system is performed. Because you can soon be on your mobile device activate the floating window in video calls on WhatsApp.


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