How to Login to iTunes Store from iPhone or PC? - Easy and Fast (Example)

how to login to itunes store from iphone or pc easy and fast

Digital stores are today an alternative for buy software different operating systems. For this reason, large companies have their own stores to offer their customers a wide variety of tools that are compatible with their equipment.

Most seek security when purchasing an application, music, books or movies. The most popular sites are Google Play Store for Android, Microsoft for Windows or iTunes store for iOS and Mac.

On iTunes Store You can download a wide variety of programs for multimedia files including music, it is super easy to configure in iTunes the continuous music playback easily, also e-books and videos. We can say that it is a good entertainment center with your iPhone, iPad or Mac devices, it also allows you to achieve synchronization between your laptop or desktop with the rest of your equipment.

In addition, another function that can be used is what you download you have in the cloud, this means that you can have everything by merging iTunes and iCloud that gives you the ease of access from any Apple device you have available.

Today we are going to see how to log into iTunes from iPhone or PC and thus enjoy this excellent content.

How to log into iTunes from your computer?

Now we are going to explain the step to start your session on your computer with Windows operating system:

Step 1

You have to download and install the iTunes app from the Microsoft store.

Step 2

Press the get button, then open it from its icon.

Step 3

At the top you find the toolbar, enter the option "Account".

Step 4

Now press login within the menu.

Step 5

At this point enter your Apple ID email and your password to enter, press accept and that's it. You can download the iTunes Store from here.

Sign in to iTunes from iPhone

ITunes logo white background

To start on your mobile device it is very easy we start with the step by step:

Step 1

Enter the iTunes Store from your iPhone, locate the icon, press it to enter.

Step 2

When you get to the main menu at the bottom at the bottom you get where it says "log in" and press it.

Step 3

Within that menu there are several options, choose "Existing Apple ID" then you have to enter the email that corresponds to that ID with its password, you give it "To accept".

Step 4

By now you have entered iTunes as a user with your account.

How to login to iTunes from your Mac?

ITunes menu from Mac

It is very easy with this step by step 1 that we are going to explain:

Step 1

The application is already on your device, go directly there.

Step 2

At the top you go where it says "Account", you press it. There a menu of options will open in that you select "Log in".

Step 3

Enter your email from Apple ID and the access key, now you have logged in from your Mac.

All that we have described are very easy ways to start session in iTunes from the iPhone or PC, in addition to the advantages that this application gives you.

We can mention that having this app in Windows PC It includes several versions, you can pair it with iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone devices, thus giving you the option of viewing your content on your computer.

In a simple way we have done the task of sign in to iTunes Store From the iPhone or PC a total walk, now you have to try it yourself because here we already show you how it is done.

If you want to cancel or delete pending purchases in iTunes in this article we will show you.

The following article may be useful if you are looking to learn how to update your iPhone applications with iTunes from your PC.

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