ITunes Update to the Latest Version | Step by step procedure
Around the world, since the launch of Apple, iPhones, iPad and the rest of their equipment have achieved a completely incredible fame, this being one of the best. And it is that this is a brand that, in its equipment, includes everything that a user would need on a daily basis, such as a complete music player.
The apple music player, iTunes, where you can create an account, is software available on all devices with the iOS system, and thus be able to share multimedia. That would be the function of synchronizing both teams; so, you will have the same files on different computers.
With iTunes, you can import your music from your Mac's hard drive to your mobile, just by entering the menu and adding it to the library. Similarly, you can import multimedia from the iTunes online store or from an audio CD, and only get in touch with the data on this CD.
Now, as well as iTunes, all applications have new versions that we must be aware of to update these apps and thus be able to continue enjoying their services. For that reason, from now on we will explain how you can update itBe it on your iPhone, Mac, iPad, and even Windows.
How can I find out which version of iTunes I have on each device?
When we have a program or application installed on our mobile device or personal computer, it is very important that we know what version we have. And this can be a problem for many users, not knowing where to find this information. But we can tell you that regardless of the device you use it is very easy to see the version of iTunes you have installed.
The procedure is as follows, you must first enter iTunes and you are going to go to the menu bar. In the case that it does not show it, you must go to the upper left corner of the screen and there press or click on the icon in the shape of a rectangle. This is above the play, forward, and back buttons.
When you carry out this action, a menu of options will be displayed on the screen and from them you will choose 'Menu bar'. The next step is to now select the 'Help' tab from the menu bar and other options will appear on the screen. We go to the end of this list of options and select 'About iTunes'and here we will obtain the information we are looking for.
Procedure to update iTunes
So that you do not have problems when making the iTunes update process, here we will indicate the step by step that you must follow. And on all the devices where you have this fantastic Apple music player installed.
On Mac
As iTunes is part of this operating system, it is an application that is already included in the catalog of applications pre-installed on any device developed by Apple. For this reason, the process of updating this software is very simple and fast to perform from the app store.
As a first step, once you have your Mac, go to the App Store found on the main desktop of your computer. Once you are inside the application, look for the option to "ITunes", located in the upper left of the screen.
There, when you click, a new window will scroll, and select the option to "Check for Updates", in case there is a new version, you must install. At this time, you must also enter your password to be able to grant the permission that the application can be updated without any inconvenience when downloading.
To start the download you just have to click on the option "OKAY", regarding the version information, and just wait for it to finish downloading. At the end, to make sure that the download was successful, you can restart your Mac computer, and in that way begin to take advantage of all its functions.
On iPhone
In this case, the process to be carried out is just as simple as on the computer; only that it changes the equipment that you are using at that moment, in the case of iPhone. From your mobile, also enter the application store, the App Store, and select the option "Updates", which is in the lower right part of the screen.
On that screen, all the options that you may need to update will appear, should appear iTunes There, select it and touch the update option, and that way the download will automatically start. At the end, when the new version is installed, you can see that it is ready by the blue mark that will appear in the application.
On iPad
In the case that you have an iPad, the iTunes update process is very similar, where you will have to enter the App Store. Once there, you must go to the bottom right of your screen, where you will find the option 'Updates' and click on it.
The next step is to find and select the iTunes application and then click on the option 'Update'. In this way the process will be carried out and you just have to wait for the iTunes update to complete.
By following this written tutorial, you will be able to have always update the iTunes app, although there will be times when the application will automatically update itself. The only requirement to download it, in the event that you do not want to use up your mobile data, you have to connect to an available Wi-Fi network.
On Windows devices
As a last case, if you have a computer with different Windows operating systems, the process to update the application is also very simple. It begins in the same way, opening the iTunes application, in the menu of this, look for the option of "Help" that appears at the top of the window.
At this time, select the option "Search for updates"If there is one, double-click on it to start the installation. If your case is that you have not updated it for a long time, the process may take longer than normal to install, but you can still enjoy your music.
What problems can my device have when updating iTunes?
Everything cannot be rosy when you want to update an application and in these cases iTunes is not exempt from presenting some errors. And most of these problems arise when updating in Windows. Which requires that the Windows operating system is also updated to the latest version.
Another problem that usually occurs is in the case when you log in and this is not done as an administrator. You may have a problem with the software and then it will be necessary that you download the installer to your PC from Apple's main page.
Another solution that you can apply is to right click on the installer and select 'Run as administrator'. If necessary, the program will will indicate that you need to repair the software, then you must restart the PC.
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