How to Reset or Factory Reset the Samsung Galaxy Easily? (Example)

how to reset or factory reset the samsung galaxy easily

Without a mobile phone today you can basically say that you are nobody, since everything happens through social networks (even lately business), so staying without your Smartphone is not an option, due to this Today you will learn how to reset or factory reset the Samsung Galaxy.

Although it may sound like a somewhat harsh solution, sometimes there is no choice but to return the phone to its original state. Because it's better get it back losing everything, not to be able to use it again, and is that not everyone has to buy a phone at all times, so reviving their mobile from the grave is the only solution.

Recommendations before restarting the mobile

Before you go ahead with the process of reset or factory reset the Samsung Galaxy, it is good that you take into consideration some factors before.

Factory reset in case you have never done it, returns the phone to its original state, so everything you have in the internal storage will be lost with no possibility of being recovered.

It is good that you make a backup beforeIt does not matter if it is in the cloud or on the computer through a USB cable, save all those data that you do not want to lose, because if not you will never see them again. And it is also recommended that you put the mobile in the safe mode of Android to verify if the problem you have is with an app and you do not have to reset (if this is not your case, skip it).

black samsumg logo

Also and before starting the process, have the phone with the battery fully charged, because if in the middle of the restoration process (sometimes it takes a little time) the phone is turned off, you could lose it forever, as the operating system would be ruined.

Reset or factory reset the Samsung Galaxy easily

Now if with all of the above in mind it is time for you to learn the process to reset the Samsung Galaxy (any model) to factory mode. The first thing you have to know is that this can be done in two ways, through the phone settings and from recovery mode.

As a recommendation you should always try it first from the phone configuration, to achieve this you must go to the section called "Setting"Then from there to"General Administration", then to "Restore”And finally to "Factory reset".

If you have done everything right, you should now be in a section where the button "Restore”(You will see it as soon as you enter), once you press it, it will ask you to enter the security code that you have established on your mobile, do it and then press "Delete all" It will automatically initiate the Reset that will last a few minutes.

Reboot from recovery mode

In the event that you have lost access to the operating system for any reason, then the above will not work for you and you must use it to reset or Factory reset the Samsung Galaxy recovery mode.

For this you must press two buttons at the same time, in the case of new models such as the Samsung Galaxy s20 you must press the power button + volume down.

If you have an older model from S3 to S8 then you should press power button + home button + volume up button. In either case, a menu will appear with many options, which you can see one by one, going down and up with the volume buttons (hardreset a Samsumg Galaxy A30, A40, A50 cell phone, it is different and you can search for a tutorial just for that).

phone in recovery mode

Give the option "Wipe data / Factory reset" (you select it by pressing the start button) and then choose “And it is" followed by "Delete all user data", to finish press "Reboot System now", wait several minutes and voila.

Once your cell phone has started completely, it will be in factory mode and any problem you have had will have been completely solved, you just have to put your data and accounts back as if the phone were new and the process of reset or reboot to factory mode the Samsung Galaxy will be completed.

Remember that on all devices, even if they are from the same system, the reset is different, so if you want to reset a Samsumg Android tablet, you will have to look for other steps.


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